Goodles Cheddy Mac 6oz *Discontinued*

$ 2.50 $ 4.69
SKU: 2846525
Classic creamy cheddar mac tastes like your childhood, but eats like a balanced meal. Groovy.

    Item #2846525 (6oz) 

    Contains wheat ingredients.

    Nutrition facts, and allergen statements can change. Always refer to the actual package for the most complete and accurate information. 

    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

    Partial Disclaimer: The product packaging you receive may be different than pictured here. In addition, it may contain information that differs from that shown here. Please review the product package before consuming and do not rely only on the details shown here, especially – but not limited to – ingredients and allergens. For more information, please see our full disclaimer